Health Department


Mildred Franklyn-Watson, RN (Sound Clip, 1:26)

The health department was a specialized agency that was headed by the mayor, and is still headed by the mayor. Public health, at that time, only covered those conditions that affected the community. So those diseases that were beyond control fell under the domain of the department of health. That is where you have the school health programs, your child health programs, and other programs for conditions that were not treatable in the regular hospital system. They all fell on the Department of Health...that’s where your nurses who work there got all those experiences. They served as coordinators and as referral agent for anything they found that needed to go to wherever they had to go: welfare, housing...any issue there that affected the health of the family, other than illness, was referred by the public health nurse. And now it has been restructured so that the child health program is under the hospital system...the Department of Health no longer controls that, but school health is still under the Department of Health.